Health Career

Pharmacy, the health profession concerned with knowledge about drugs and their effects, draws from the chemical, physical, biological and behavioral sciences. Traditionally a qualification in Pharmacy was associated with a lifetime career as a chemist. Knowledge and training in Pharmaceutics offers a wide array of career options to the students. The programme is no longer confined to the laboratories or classrooms and goes beyond the curriculum. The career options after the programme are also immense. It offers diverse opportunities in India and around the world. Here are just a few brief sketches of opportunities pursued by the Pharmacy graduates.

Community Pharmacy

Community pharmacists are responsible for safe and efficient dispensing of prescription medications, advising patients on proper prescription and over-the-counter nonprescription medication use, and keeping records of patients and their health, illness, and medications. Community pharmacists also provide information and advice about medications to physicians and other health professionals. In addition, community pharmacists increasingly provide pharmacy services and supplies to the growing number of patients who receive health care at home, and they are actively involved in community service.

Hospital Pharmacy

Hospital pharmacists advise other health professionals about the actions, interactions, and side effects of drugs, and counsel patients about medications. They may help select the medications the hospital will use, manufacture preparations, dispense prescription drugs, and handle special products like radioactive medicines, artificial kidney fluid, and plastic inserts. Many hospital-based pharmacists also are administrators and influential members of important committees.

Nursing Home and Extended Care Facility Pharmacy

Pharmacists who work in nursing homes and extended care facilities provide prescription service for patients, and they consult with other health professionals who care for the patients. As consultants they review patient charts for correct dosages, drug interactions, adverse reactions, or side effects, and also counsel patients about their medications.

Other Opportunities

Diploma holders are eligible for admission to lateral entry to degree in pharmacy 2nd year.